Building & Construction Books for Children & The Young at Heart;-)
- Woodworking for Kids
- by Kevin McGuire
- The New Yankee Workshop Kids' Stuff - by Norm Abram
- Housebuilding for Children: Step-by-Step Plans for Houses Children Can Build Themselves - by Les Walker, Nonny Hogrogian
- The Architecture Pack: A Unique, Three-Dimensional Tour of Architecture over the Centuries: What Architects Do, How They Do It - by Ron Van Der Meer and Deyan Sudjic (This amazing Pop-up Book also contains 3D images, a paper model of the Rietveld's Schroder House, a timeline of architects and architecture and an audio tape.)
- How a House Is Built - by Gail Gibbons
- Houses and Homes (Around the World Series) - by Ann Morris, Ken Heyman (Illustrator/Photographer)
- Woodworking With Your Kids - by Richard Starr
- Block Building for Children: Making Buildings of the World With the Ultimate Construction Toy - by Les Walker, Lester Walker, Witold Rybczynski
- The New Way Things Work - by David Macaulay
- A Kids' Guide to Building Forts - by Tom Birdseye, Bill Klein (Contributor)
- How a House Happens - by Jan Adkins
- Building an Igloo - by Ulli Steltzer
- Make Your Own Tipi - by James E. Jones
- The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use - by Gladys Laubin (Contributor), Stanley Vestal, Reginald Laubin
- Tiny Tiny Houses: Or How to Get Away From It All - by Lester Walker
- The Tiny Book of Tiny Houses - by Les "Tiny Houses" Walker
- Carpentry for Children - by Lester Walker
- The Bat House Builder's Handbook - by Merlin D. Tuttle, Donna L. Hensley
- American Folk Toys: Easy-To-Build Toys for Kids of All Ages - by John R. Nelson
- Easy Carpentry Projects for Children - by Jerome Edward Leavitt
- Woodworking With Your Kids - by Richard Starr
- Build It Together: 30 Easy Woodworking Projects for Kids and Adults - by Katie Hamilton, Gene Hamilton
- The American Boy's Handy Book: What to Do and How to Do It - by Daniel C. Beard, Noel Perrin
- American Girls Handy Book: How to Amuse Yourself and Others - by Lina Beard, Adelia Beard
- The Bird House Book: How to Build Fanciful Bird Houses & Feeders, from the Purely Practical to the Absolutely Outrageous - by Bruce Woods, David Schoonmaker
- A Beginners' Guide to the Dolls' House Hobby - by Jean Nisbett
- The Decorated Doll House: How to Design and Create Miniature Interiors - by Jessica Ridley
- Cranes, Dump Trucks, Bulldozers, and Other Building Machines - by Terry Jennings
- Construction Trucks (Board Book) - by Betsy Imershein
- Construction (First Discovery Book X) - by Philippe Biard (Illustrator), Claude Delafosse
- Dumpy the Dump Truck (Dumpy) - by Julie Andrews Edwards, Emma Walton Hamilton, Tony Walton (Illustrator)
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