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Recommended Books About the Process of Building a New Home

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The more you know about the homebuilding process, the more enjoyable your experience is likely to be. All too often, stories are told of the horrors of building a new home. Well, two of the most common causes of unhappiness result from inexeperience and misunderstanding - both of which can be minimized by reading a few good books and learning as much as possible B4UBUILD.

So, take the time to prepare for your adventure by reading at least two of the following books - "Your New House", written by a husband and wife consumer advocate team, and either "The Well-Built House" or "Norm Abram's New House", both of which were written by professional builders.

Click on the book titles to read our in depth reviews of each book. Then, head to your local library and "check them out" for yourself or buy them through our affiliation with

Another Excellent Book for First-Time Homebuilders

Click for more info about this book One book will never be able to provide all of the information that you will need to build a new house. However, as the title correctly implies, Ortho's Basic Home Building: An Illustrated Guide - by the Editorial Staff of Ortho Books provides a very good overview of the home design and construction process. Meant to be read once as a planning guide and a second time as a construction guide, this book will help you plan your new house and its location on your building site. It contains information about hiring contractors, estimating costs, and creating a budget. And, it addresses each of the major steps along the homebuilding process. I was very impressed with this book.

Note: Unfortunately, this book is out of print. Meredith Publishing now owns all rights to the Ortho book line and according to the folks in their Consumer Service department, there are no plans to reprint the book. You may be able to find it at your local library or you can click here to see if a used copy is available from Powell's Books.

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