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Landscaping, Garden Design, Plant Selection & Gardening Information

Matching the style of your house with the landscaping around it is a very important aspect of any residential construction project. Driveways, walkways (one of our Pet Peeves) and the plants and garden structures placed around your home should all blend with the exterior style of the building itself.

While landscaping work is generally done towards the end of most new home projects, failing to consider how the location and orientation of your new house or addition will impact the view from a particular room, or the amount of sun that will be available to heat your home in the winter, or how the prevailing winds might help cool your house in the summer, could prove to be a costly mistake — it's not easy to move a house after it is built because you can't see that beautiful sunset, which sold you on the property in the first place, from your new dining room window.

So, after you have decided on a new home plan, be sure to consider how best to situate the structure on your property, remember to include a reasonable landscape budget, and try your best not to spend that money on something else earlier in the construction process.




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